Councillor Marie Jenkins' Personal Blog

Welcome to my blog.†

My name is Marie Jenkins, Liberal Democrat Member and Teignbridge District Councillor for Newton Abbot (College) Ward, in South Devon.

The purpose of this blog is to try and keep you informed about my role and provide you with information about developments in Teignbridge District Council and our local Ward, Newton Abbot (College).

My Committee responsibilities with Teignbridge District Council include membership of Executive and Portfolio Holder for Communities & Regulation.

I am also the Member Champion for Youth!

I will clarify my responsibilities in future blogs...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Youth Champion-ing!

When I was elected to Teignbridge in 2007, I was appointed the Youth Champion for the Council - a role which, given my young (in local government terms!) age, seemed very appropriate!

I have been very proud to undertake this role, and I have met some incredibly talented and intelligent young people, all with a lot to offer Teignbridge.

Last week, I was part of a group of Councillors who visited South Dartmoor Community College, who were hosting Teignbridge's Local Democracy Day. Schools from across the District took part.

The Solent People's Theatre came along to officiate, and we kicked the day off with a play called "Who Runs This Place", designed to highlight what different councils and levels of government do, and who young people can approach if they have a problem, or want some support for a project they are undertaking.

The young people were then split into two groups, one of which spent some time voting on issues that were important to them, and the other had a discussion about what priorities the Council had, and how they would spend Council Tax if they were in charge.

The event was a huge success, and I was pleased to be a part of it. I'm hoping that next year will be even bigger and better!